Is It Time To Make A Donation?
Join the Renovation of Willard Stone Museum-Phase 1
We have launched a new GoFundMe to help us reach our goal. View our GoFundMe Page Here!
The Willard Stone Museum, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. The museum’s goals are as follows:
To foster interest in contemporary American art and artists including, but not limited to, the works of art of Willard Stone; and
To collect, preserve and exhibit the art and related materials that are pertinent to the life history and art created by American contemporary artist, Willard Stone; and
To raise funds for charitable purposes and charitable organizations in connection with the foregoing interests.
Your gift supports the above endeavors, along with making the purchase of a building and renovation of the museum possible. Gifts are accepted securely online by clicking the DONATE button at the bottom of this page. The Willard Stone Museum Inc. is a nonprofit and all donations are tax-deductible.